

  1. Sudden onset and rapidly intensifying (acute illness).
  2. Acute is the opposite of chronic. Sometimes, the words acute or chronic are added to the name of disease. The acute form of a disease is a rapidly developing form. Acute illnesses are generally completely cured with treatment or surgery, while chronic illnesses are generally incurable.
  3. It also indicates that the condition is serious (acute pain; sudden and sharp pain).
  4. It is also used to mean that treatment is required in a short period of time (acute patient, emergency patient).
  5. Angled, sharp corner.


  • Acute Abdominal Pain: A clinical condition characterized by sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. It can be a surgical disease. Early diagnosis is required because emergency surgery may be necessary.
  • Acute Appendicitis: It occurs when the lumen of the appendix is obstructed. If surgery (appendectomy) is not performed, it can perforate. There is also a controversial entity known as relapsing appendicitis, which is a chronic and recurrent condition.
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Acute Viral Hepatitis
  • Acute Kidney Failure
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