turkcerrahi.com Privacy Policy

turkcerrahi.com is a website that does not require a subscription and is open to the public. In other words, you do not need to enter any information to use the website.

If so, how and what kind of information is collected during the use of our site, and how is it used?

  • turkerrahi.com examines how users reach the site, which pages are visited the most, and the effects of changes made to the site in order to provide a better service to its users. E.g; the number of daily users, duration of visit, the device used (mobile, desktop, tablet), country, city, etc.
  • This information is mostly obtained by using “Google Analytics," sometimes “Bing Webmaster Tools (Microsoft-Yahoo)” and “Yandex.Webmaster” services. These services collect data through small programs called cookies.
  • Google, Bing-Yahoo, and Yandex, whose services we use, also have privacy policies for which they are responsible.
  • Click here for Google's Partner's Privacy Policy... In this link, you can find information about how Google handles data when its partners' sites or applications, including turkcerrahi.com, are used.

Google AdSense Ads

  • Google uses cookies to serve ads based on your previous visits to turkcerrahi.com or other websites.
  • The use of Google's advertising cookies allows Google and its partners, including turkcerrahi.com, to serve ads based on users' visits to our site and/or other sites on the Internet.
  • Users can opt out of personalized advertising by visiting the Google Ads Settings page.

There is also a contact form on our site

  • The purpose of this form is to allow users to give feedback about the site. If the user who submits the form is waiting for an answer, he/she enters an email address to which we can reply. The names, e-mail addresses of the users, or the information they voluntarily declare in the form are not shared with anyone.
  • If you want more information, you can use our contact form.

Last Update: March 20, 2023